Wheat Seed Guide

50131-Johnston IA
50131-Johnston IA
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Information and ratings are based on comparisons with other Pioneer® brand products, not competitive products. Information and ratings are assigned by Pioneer Agronomists and Research Managers, based on average performance across area of adaptation under normal conditions, over a wide range of both climate and soil types, and may not predict future results. Product responses are variable and subject to any number of environmental, disease and pest pressures. Please use this information as only part of your product positioning decision. Refer to www.pioneer.com/products/wheat or contact a Pioneer sales professional for the latest and most complete listing of traits and scores for each Pioneer brand product and for product placement and management suggestions specific to your operation and local conditions.


* Introductory product. Quantities may be limited.

9 = Excellent; 1 = Poor; Blank = Insufficient Data.

Trait ratings provide key information useful in selection and management of Pioneer® brand products in your area. Scores are based on period-of-years testing through 2018 harvest and were the latest available at time of printing. Some scores may change during the 2019 season. Contact your Pioneer sales professional before planting for the latest trait rating information.


SRWW = Soft Red Winter Wheat; SWWW = Soft White Winter Wheat.


Heading date in days earlier (-) or later (+) than Pioneer brand variety:

25R40 in northern states of DE, NJ, NY, PA, OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, WI, and Ontario, Canada.
25R40 in northern white wheat states of MI, NY and Ontario Canada.
26R10 in mid-south states of KY, TN, AR and MO bootheel and northern AL, MS and LA.
26R10 in southeast states of VA, NC, SC and GA.
NR = Not recommended for region.


VE = Very Early, E = Early, ME = Medium Early, M = Medium, ML = Medium Late, L = Late; VL = Very Late.


Low scores = smaller


Low scores = shorter


High scores = lower vernalization requirement, Low scores = higher vernalization requirement.


R = Resistant/Tolerant, MR = Moderately Resistant/Tolerant, MS = Moderately Susceptible/Some Tolerance, S = Susceptible, in the primary area of adaptation. Genetic resistance/tolerance does not guarantee complete protection against all biotypes of Hessian fly. Growers should always follow sound insect management strategies, such as crop rotation, optimal planting date, scout fields for fly and apply insecticides as necessary for most effective control. Varietal reaction to Hessian fly was based on specific biotype screening tests as well as field screening for tolerance to predominant biotypes. Predominant biotypes may vary by region and change by season.

NOTE: U.S. patents, Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) applications and certificates or other limitations on use may be used to protect Pioneer brand wheat varieties from unauthorized growing, selling or use of the seed. Purchaser of a Pioneer brand wheat variety is granted a limited license solely to produce a single crop of grain for feeding or processing.