Foundation Herbicide Strengthens Annual Grass, Broadleaf and Brush Control

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Wyoming rangeland

Specifically labeled for the Western Rangeland region, HighNoon® herbicide was created for vegetation managers, ranchers and land stewards. 

Unique geographies throughout the western United States present a variety of challenges to land managers and ranchers alike. Problematic grasses, weeds and brush species know no boundaries in this region, and their presence can wreak havoc throughout numerous sites, including pipeline and electrical utility rights-of-way (ROW) as well as thousands of roadside miles and rangeland acres.  

When left untreated, these problematic species present countless issues, including: 

  • Site accessibility limitations 
  • Negative impact on biodiverse habitat development 
  • Jeopardized integrity of pipeline, electric utility and transportation infrastructure 
  • Poor soil health and forage quality 

Vegetation managers and ranchers have relied on different herbicide products in the past to address these issues in the West. Fortunately, a new product from Corteva Agriscience is now available to provide foundational support for annual grass, broadleaf and brush control throughout the Western Rangeland region: HighNoon® herbicide.  

Designed and labeled specifically for the western United States, HighNoon herbicide was created for vegetation managers, ranchers and stewards of the land. HighNoon herbicide simplified product selection for invasive grass, weed and brush control, providing invaluable support for fire-prevention efforts as well as forage and habitat maintenance.  

While Milestone® herbicide from Corteva previously served as the primary herbicide solution for county weed directors and other government agencies working to enhance invasive and noxious weed control in the Western Rangeland region, the product’s chemistry contains only aminopyralid, which fails to provide broad-spectrum control. 

Comparatively, HighNoon herbicide is an excellent replacement for Milestone herbicide as the product features aminopyralid and a second active ingredient: Rinskor® active. This single-pass broadleaf herbicide solution not only provides extended control of more than 140 weeds, but also maintains native grass safety. Additional benefits include: 

  1. One product for multiple use sites 
    The ability to apply HighNoon herbicide throughout roadsides, utility ROW, rangeland and pastures saves time, reduces inventory requirements and increases productivity for industry practitioners and their contract partners.  
  2. Tank-mix compatibility 
    HighNoon herbicide is a liquid formulation that easily mixes with UAN (even at freezing temperatures) and most annual grass control products. 
  3. Flexible application capabilities 
    While HighNoon herbicide can be broadcast by ground or air as a preemergence treatment method, the product also can be applied postemergence as a broadcast spray or spot application. 
  4. Improved environmental stewardship 
    HighNoon herbicide is a reduced-risk herbicide featuring a low odor and practically non-volatile formula. The chemistry has no grazing restrictions and offers the ability to spray up to the water’s edge, presenting minimal risks to applicators, livestock , fauna, consumers and the environment. HighNoon herbicide has low toxicity for nontarget organisms — aside from sensitive plants — as well as mammals, pollinators, soil-dwelling organisms and most desirable aquatic species.  

Tree cover has increased by 50% across the western half of the U.S. over the past 30 years, jeopardizing roadway safety and utility service reliability as well as soil health, forage supplies and habitat development for pollinators, birds and other wildlife species. HighNoon herbicide serves as a reliable solution that can effectively control incompatible trees and brush species as well as the invasive weeds and grasses that outcompete native grasses, wildflowers, forbs and other desirable plants that benefit biodiversity.  

HighNoon herbicide was created for land managers and ranchers working in the following states: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.

To learn more about HighNoon herbicide or best practices for maintaining effective control of problematic vegetation across multiple use sites in the Western Rangeland region, explore our online resource or contact your local Vegetation Management Specialist.

Under normal field conditions HighNoon® is nonvolatile. HighNoon and Milestone have no grazing or haying restrictions for any class of livestock, including lactating dairy cows, horses (including lactating mares) and meat animals prior to slaughter.  Label precautions apply to forage treated with HighNoon or Milestone and to manure and urine from animals that have consumed treated forage. Consult the label for full details.  HighNoon and Milestone are not registered for sale or use in all states.  Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state.  Always read and follow the label directions. 


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