
Isoclast™ Active Protects Produce from Aphid Damage

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Field of Lettuce

Aphids are, in many ways, a marvel of nature. These tiny insects — just 2–4 mm in length — come in an incredible variety. Some 5,000 species can be found all over the world. Wingless females can reproduce without a male, giving birth to as many as 12 live nymphs per day and producing about 20 generations in a year. Among the thousands of kinds of aphids, just a few hundred of them have an appetite for crops farmers work so hard to cultivate. These aphids are pests in cereals and soybeans, fruits and vegetables, flowers and ornamentals, and they thrive in fields and greenhouses alike. Often, by the time farmers detect an infestation, aphid populations are above the economic threshold — the level at which they reduce profitability.

In grain and produce crops, aphid infestations affect yield and quality for many foods we depend on. Presence of even a few aphids in crops such as leafy greens can drive down the value of a harvest, or in some cases, make it completely unmarketable.

Aphids are sap-feeding insects that mainly suck nutrients from stems and leaves. This feeding activity can cause yellowing and curling of leaves and stunted plant growth. Once curled, the leaves protect aphids from predators and insecticide sprays, making it even harder to control these pests.1 Aphids can also transmit plant viruses through their mouthparts as they feed. The waste aphids produce, called honeydew, contaminates produce. It attracts ants and can stimulate the growth of sooty mold, a plant-damaging fungus.


Aphid feeding can stunt and damage plants as well as spread plant diseases. Aphids also produce a sticky substance called honeydew that stimulates mold growth.

Multiple methods of aphid control

Farmers control aphids using several different methods as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy, including:


  • Destroying crop residues right after harvest
  • Controlling weeds around fields that can harbor aphids

Natural aphid predators:

  • A form of biological control which involves releasing beneficial insects in a field or greenhouse, such as:
    • Lady beetles
    • Lacewings
    • Parasitic wasps
  • Planting vegetation at edges of fields to attract beneficial insects


  • Used when populations exceed economic threshold
  • Can help gain control over rapidly multiplying aphid populations
  • Farmers look for insecticide solutions that are:
    • Less likely to harm beneficial insects
    • Won’t interfere with harvest timing
    • Won’t exceed residue requirements for marketability

When an IPM strategy calls for a farmer to use insecticides, Isoclast™ active from Corteva Agriscience is an option that helps farmers gain control over aphids in their fields while preserving beneficial insects that prey on aphids. Isoclast works at very low use rates — the amount of active ingredient needed to be effective — compared to other aphid-control insecticide options.

Acts fast

Isoclast™ active is a best-in-class aphicide that works quickly and controls aphids through contact and ingestion. Isoclast moves through the plant, so even aphids on the undersides of leaves can be controlled through feeding. It also has a quick feeding-cessation activity on target pests. That ends any direct plant injury caused by feeding, keeps the aphids from producing damaging honeydew and reduces the ability for the insects to spread diseases.

Once Isoclast is applied, it’s absorbed and distributed in plant tissue. This translaminar systemic activity also gives Isoclast a lasting effect. Depending on the crop and the formulated product containing Isoclast, studies have shown residual activity can last as long as 21 days.

Slows development of resistance

Rapidly reproducing insects like aphids can also rapidly develop resistance to insecticides. In fact, many aphid populations currently demonstrate resistance to commonly used insecticides. Isoclast™ active helps delay development of resistance because it has a distinct mode of action. This makes it a valuable rotation partner with other insecticides, helping farmers keep all the insecticide options available to them useful for the long term.

Minimizes risk to beneficial organisms

Isoclast™ active works selectively on pests, so it presents minimal risk for non-target organisms. This includes beneficial predatory insects that can help keep aphid populations under control, as well as pollinators that are so vital to fruit and vegetable farming. Isoclast has less persistence in the environment and it degrades rapidly in soil. The primary metabolite from Isoclast is not toxic to honeybees, and once products made with Isoclast active have dried after application, it poses even less risk to non-target organisms, including mammals.

Isoclast is also effective at extremely low use rates. This allows farmers to put less of it into the environment. The use rate for Isoclast on most leafy vegetables is just 25 to 35 grams per hectare, significantly less than other insecticides commonly used on these crops.

With a low use rate and less persistence in the environment, farmers who use Isoclast can also enjoy shorter pre-harvest intervals. This is critical with control of aphids, since many food chain customers have zero tolerance for aphids in certain fresh produce. For example, Closer™ insecticide with Isoclast™ active has a preharvest interval of three days for cole and leafy vegetables. For imidacloprid, the preharvest interval in those same crops is 21 days.3

Making a big difference against tiny pests

When aphids feed on fruit and vegetable crops, they are also feeding on farmer productivity. The more damage they do, the more valuable food goes to waste, never making it to our kitchen tables. When it comes to controlling aphids, farmers need to use many tools, from good management practices to biological controls to insecticides. Isoclast™ active lets farmers treat for aphids without worrying about affecting beneficial insects or having to wait a long time between application and harvest. With Isoclast, farmers know they can quickly and effectively control aphids at a low use rate and rotate with other insecticide options to delay development of resistance. They know they can produce a beautiful, marketable crop and feel proud of what they’ve grown, and how they’ve grown it.

Learn more about Isoclast™ active

1 Cami Cannon et al., “Aphids Pests on Vegetables,” Utah Pests Extension, August 2017,

2 John C. Palumbo, “Keys to Effective Aphid Management in Leafy Vegetables,” Vegetable IPM Updates, January 1, 2019,

3 Alton Sparks and David Riley, “Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Vegetables,” University of Georgia Extension, accessed March 19, 2024,

Closer™ insecticide is not registered for sale or use in all states or countries. Contact your local regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Always read and follow label directions.