
Broadway™ Plus Adds Weed Control Flexibility in Wheat

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Wheat farmers in Europe are facing major challenges in weed control. Several troublesome weed species are demonstrating resistance to commonly used herbicides. Poppies, cornflower, goosefoot, fumitory and dead nettle are some of the weeds that can quickly get out of control, robbing crops of necessary sunlight, nutrients and water. Adding to the challenge, some of the herbicides farmers used to rely on have been phased out as part of regulatory changes. At just the moment when these farmers need more options to control weeds, they have fewer to turn to. New herbicide options that meet regulatory demands and can help fight resistance are welcome news. Broadway™ Plus herbicide from Corteva Agriscience is one such option. It builds on the well-known Broadway™ herbicide by adding in a new active ingredient, Arylex™ active.

Even broader spectrum

Broadway™ herbicide’s name is a nod to its broad-spectrum efficacy. The product includes pyroxsulam and florasulam, two Group 2 herbicides that work on over 20 major weed species in wheat.  Broadway™ Plus herbicide gives farmers even more options by adding Arylex™ active, which offers a new mode of action from Group 4. Broadway Plus works on additional weed species and helps to control resistant species, including poppy, cornflower and chickweed.

Weed threats in wheat

Many weeds in wheat are becoming resistant to commonly used herbicides. These weeds compete with wheat for sunlight, water and nutrients.
Many weeds in wheat are becoming resistant to commonly used herbicides. These weeds compete with wheat for sunlight, water and nutrients.

See how Broadway Plus controls poppy in this field observation video.

Fast and flexible

Broadway™ Plus herbicide is fast acting, and it’s very flexible for the way farmers want to cultivate their wheat. It can be used in a range of temperatures, which makes it ideal for use in cool, early springtime conditions, when other herbicides might not be effective. For fields treated with Broadway Plus, there’s no plantback restriction for rotation to oilseed rape or sugarbeets. This makes it simpler for farmers to engage in sustainable management practices like crop rotation and cover cropping that promote soil health and farmer productivity.

The herbicide also works quickly, giving farmers peace of mind they have weeds under control. It’s applied between stages 21 and 32, protecting wheat during critical periods of tillering and stem elongation. Broadway Plus can be used in several types of grain crops, including winter soft wheat, winter hard wheat, spring soft wheat, durum, triticale, rye and spelt.

Low application rate

With the addition of Arylex™ active, Broadway™ Plus herbicide also works at very low use rates, even against resistant weeds. With this type of solution, farmers can use fewer herbicide applications to control weeds, helping them break the cycle of resistance and inputs. This also helps reduce the environmental footprint of weed control.

With Broadway Plus, wheat farmers have more options to control difficult weeds and flexibility in crop rotation and application, to farm in ways that work best for them. With an additional mode of action, low use rates and a broad spectrum of efficacy, farmers can feel confident in their ability to control difficult weeds and manage resistance concerns.

Learn more about Arylex active.

Broadway™ Plus herbicide is not registered for sale or use in all states or countries. Contact your local regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your area. Always read and follow label directions.