Comunidade, Compromissos e Educação

Representative in field with farmers

Nosso compromisso de enriquecer vidas e a terra

Como líderes na indústria de agrociência, perseguimos um propósito que vai além dos nossos interesses imediatos para beneficiar a sociedade. 

Investimento nas comunidades locais

Confira o orgulho e a experiência que a Corteva™ traz da fusão entre Dow e DuPont e dos seus investimentos nas comunidades locais. 

Fighting Malnutrition in Africa

Poverty, drought, and climate change impact agricultural productivity, requiring technology advances and innovations for farmers.

DuPont Pioneer partnered with Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International to develop more nutritious sorghum to help feed the 300 million people in rural Africa that rely on it for daily nourishment.

The sorghum project also trained African scientists on the technology used and regulatory requirements at Pioneer Hi-Bred headquarters in Iowa.

Improving Quality of Life in a Mexican Community

Grupo Renacimiento La Higuera I.A.P., a group of local college students, partnered with DuPont to improve the quality of life in La Higuera, a community north of Mexico City. The community was challenged by a lack of family integration and education, overcrowding and polluted public areas.

Working together, DuPont developed workshops on family and community values, vegetable growing, and the environment. La Higuera is improving its green areas and building a culture of ecology and community.

The results to date:

  • 6500 people have participated in workshops
  • Student absence is down 30 per cent

Employee-Led Community Support

In 2016, Dow AgroSciences employees invested approximately 8600 volunteer hours to make a positive difference in the areas of food insecurity, STEM education and community success. In addition, Dow AgroSciences donated $2.8 million to 90 charitable organizations and 110 programs worldwide.

Raising Healthy Children in Pakistan

Estimates show that more than 500,000 children in Pakistan will not make it to their fifth birthday due to preventable diseases. To reverse the trend, Naya Jeevan, a non-profit organization, works with health institutions to provide comprehensive health plans and offer insurance at subsidized rates for low-income groups.

Our teams provided funding to support a pilot plan to target 350 low-income school students who would otherwise not have access to healthcare. The plan included health coverage, check-ups, and awareness workshops for one year.