News & Resources

Press Release • 21/08/2020

Potato growers target clean finish to season as blight pressure resurfaces

Mixed weather patterns across many regions in the UK and Ireland is leading to localised outbreaks of late blight in potatoes.

Publication • 06/08/2020

Grassland and Maize Agronomy Update August 2020

This month's Grassland and Maize Agronomy Update includes all the latest information on grassland herbicides, maize varieties and silage inoculants.

Press Release • 26/06/2020

Controlling thistles in grassland

Fields filled with 10% thistles produce 10% less grass to feed to livestock says Corteva Agriscience’s weed biology specialist Dr Nicola Perry.

Blog • 12/06/2020

Why I predict semi-dwarf PX131 will catch the eye of early drillers

The way oilseed rape growers are experimenting with novel establishment techniques reaffirms the importance of the crop to the rotation.

Press Release • 10/06/2020

Silage update: wholecrop cereal silage

The dry weather over the last couple of months has provided ideal conditions for harvesting grass silage but poor conditions for grass growth, consequently first cuts have been of good quality but disappointing in yield. We are currently looking at a

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