News & Resources

Press Release • 26/02/2021

Safeguarding milk production through choice of maize variety

With research showing every 1% reduction in faecal starch can produce an extra 0.35 litres milk/cow, finding a way to use maize starch more efficiently makes good business sense.

Press Release • 26/02/2021

Recognition for maize dent hybrids bred for UK climate

The benefits of new generation dent type maize hybrids are being recognised in a specific Pioneer brand. Pioneer dent hybrids containing a high level of available starch and silage yield gain the new M3 branding. For farmers, these hybrids offer the

Press Release • 22/02/2021

Anticipation builds ahead of first major use of Inatreq active fungicide in Ire

Cereal growers and agronomists in Ireland are getting set for the first full year with an exciting new fungicide at their disposal. Inatreq active was registered for use in the country in April 2020 and is being fully launched for use this spring b

Blog • 14/02/2021

Resilient and Ready farmer Andy Bason is waiting with baited breath

Andy Bason reflects on unpredictable weather patterns and the first year of the Resilient and Ready programme

Press Release • 08/02/2021

Yield-topping OSR hybrid demonstrates breakthrough sclerotinia tolerance trait

The first ever winter oilseed rape variety with a claim for tolerance to the stem disease sclerotinia has been launched by Pioneer®, the seed brand of Corteva Agriscience™.

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