Inatreq™ active learning centre

Inatreq active learning centre

Start your Inatreq™ active journey.

Learn and earn CPD points by watching our series of informative videos, delivered by Corteva Agriscience™ technical specialists, scientists and biologists from our fungicide development team. 

Start your learning journey by watching the videos today.

The discovery and development of the molecule

Learn with Andy Leader – Corteva Global Biology Leader, Inatreq™ active

In our first video of the series, Andy Leader talks us through the discovery and development of Inatreq active. From its unique manufacturing process to how it is applied on the field, Andy reveals how Corteva Agriscience created a new active to help farmers combat Septoria while maintaining high yields.

Topics covered

  • How did Corteva Agriscience make Inatreq active work?
  • How Inatreq active accumulates in leaves as UK-2A.
  • The result of glasshouse trials when Inatreq active is compared to other commonly-used fungicides.
  • How Inatreq works when it’s applied by a grower.


By the end of this video, you will have a greater understanding of:

  • How a complex manufacturing process produces the biological active UK-2A which is then converted to Inatreq active by a single chemical modification post-fermentation.
  • How Inatreq active is able to convert back to UK-2A in plants and fungi after crop application, which is vital since UK2A is 93% more effective in controlling disease than Inatreq active.
  • How, once applied, Inatreq active accumulates in the leaf’s waxes, providing a reservoir for the formulation to drip feed into the plant, providing excellent long-term protection.



























































































































CPD points on completion of the quiz:
































  • BASIS 1 CP
  • NRoSO 2




Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:


Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ Questar™ | Peacoq™ | Aquino™ | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™


Resistance management with a new site of action

Learn with Dr Gregory Kemmitt - Corteva Global Biology Leader, Fungicide Development Team


In the second video of our series, Dr Gregory Kemmitt explores how Inatreq can help retain efficacy in new and existing chemistry and how the resistance risk to Inatreq itself can be managed. As a new mode of action, Inatreq provides the industry with a unique, new tool in the fight against Septoria and must therefore be safeguarded. By following the specially designed resistance management programme, it is hoped growers can preserve this new active for many years to come.


Topics covered


  • An introduction to Inatreq and what makes it unique.
  • Inatreq’s proven results against Septoria and how it works alongside other chemistries to reduce the risk of resistance.
  • The resistance management program designed to help farmers mitigate the risk of resistance developing to Inatreq.


By the end of this video you will have a greater understanding of:


  • How a piece of unique chemistry works against key cereal diseases.
  • Where and how Inatreq acts within the plant to inhibit disease development.
  • The current sites of action available to UK growers who want to control cereal disease.



CPD points on completion of the quiz:

  • BASIS 1 CP
  • NRoSO 2


Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:

Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ Peacoq™ Aquino™ Apaveq™ | Inconiq™

i-Q4 formulation: Turbo-charging of a new class of chemistry

Learn with Derek Hopkins, Formulation Scientist, Corteva Agriscience




In the third video of our series, Derek Hopkins explains the four cornerstones of the i-Q4 formulation used with Inatreq active. Step by step, he explores spray droplet retention, near-total leaf coverage, penetration and plant uptake.    

Topics covered:




  • What is i-Q4 technology?
  • How the technology impacts retention, coverage, penetration and uptake in the plant.
  • Translaminar movement.
  • Curative and protectant activity.








By the end of this video you will have a greater understanding of:




  • Why is i-Q4  so effective?
  • How Inatreq active – powered by i-Q4 technology – is different o other products on the market?
  • The science behind a piece of technology that moves around the plant to tackle Septoria and other key cereal diseases. 


CPD points on completion of the quiz:




  • BASIS -  1 CP
  • NRoSO - 2


Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:

Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ Peacoq™ Aquino™  | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™

Spray application flexibility

Learn with John Fraser, Inatreq active Principal Biologist, Corteva Agriscience
































































































































































































































































In this video, John Fraser, Inatreq active Principal Biologist for Corteva Agriscience, shows how the company has developed a molecule and formulation which helps compensate for choices that are made by the spray operator such as forward speed, water volume and nozzle choice.
































































































































































































































































Topics covered:
































































































































































































  • The mitigation of forward speed, water volume and nozzle choice by Inatreq active with i-Q4 formulation.
  • Rainfastness and leaf coverage.
  • How disease control directly impacts yield.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































By the end of this video you will have a greater understanding of:
































































































































































































































































  • How the i-Q4 formulation actively optimises spray applications.
  • The impact of varying parameters such as nozzle choice, forward speeds and water volumes.
  • What happens when you mix Inatreq active with a product which doesn’t spread well when the spray droplet hits the leaf.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































CPD points on completion of the quiz:
































































































































































































































































  • BASIS 1 AP
  • NRoSO 2
































































































































Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:
















Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ | Peacoq™  | Aquino™  | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™ 
































































Broad-spectrum control from a new site of chemistry

Sally Egerton, UK & Ireland Technical Manager, Corteva Agriscience




In this video, Sally Egerton, UK & Ireland Technical Manager for Corteva Agriscience, outlines which cereal diseases Univoq controls, how the product should be applied and what growers can expect from the chemistry, using videos and data from a variety of trials across the UK over a number of years. 








Topics covered




  • What growers will see on the Univoq label.
  • Stewardship requirements and the range of crops Univoq can be applied to.
  • How well Univoq controls Septoria, yellow rust and brown rust.
  • The yield response that Univoq has delivered in Corteva trials.





By the end of this video, you will have a greater understanding of:




  • How, when and on which crops you can apply Univoq.
  • The visual differences in green leaf area and disease control when Univoq is compared to more established chemistry.
  • The yield benefit that growers can expect when using Univoq.
  • The financial benefits of using Univoq.














CPD points on completion of the quiz:




  • BASIS -  1 CP
  • NRoSO - 2


Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:

Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ Peacoq™ | Aquino™ | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™


Inatreq active offers a new and unique site of action for curative and persistent protection against all Septoria strains, the number one disease threat and yield robber on UK arable farms. Using Corteva’s patented i-Q4 technology, it provides near 100% leaf coverage and is highly flexible in application, delivering robust protection.

Innovative new chemistry is vital to protect crops. Inatreq active offers outstanding biology performance, allowing farmers to control the diseases which hit yields. It also plays a vital role in broadening the crop protection toolbox, helping protect other products which are being challenged by resistance. The chemistry shows no cross-resistance to other chemistries and farmers will benefit from its flexible application characteristics and consistent, broad-spectrum performance.  

Inatreq active is the first picolinamide to be registered in the UK with a new class of chemistry for broad spectrum disease control in cereals. To help protect this new class of chemistry for the future, Corteva has prepared a series of videos to deepen the knowledge and understanding of its development and use in practice.



Corteva cereal fungicides containing Inatreq™ active registered for use in the UK:

Univoq™ | Peqtiga™ | Questar™ | Peacoq™ | Aquino™ | Apaveq™ | Inconiq™