Isoclast™ Active


A New Insecticide Class for More Effective Pest Control

Isoclast active (sulfoxaflor) is the sole member of a new class of insecticides, the sulfoximines, that has been developed for global use in major crop groups to control economically important, sap-feeding pests. The molecule was discovered by and is proprietary to Corteva Agriscience.

Is Isoclast™ Active Right for Your Crop Application?

Isoclast is the only active ingredient identified as an IRAC Class 4C sulfoximine mode of action. It controls sap-feeding pests and was discovered by and is proprietary to Corteva Agriscience.


Crops Protected

Isoclast active protects cotton, leafy and fruiting vegetables, top fruits, soybeans, rice, cereals, citrus, cole crops, grapes, plantation crops, tree nuts and other crops.

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Insects Controlled

Isoclast controls sap-feeding insects like aphids, jassids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, plant bugs, plant hoppers, stink bugs, whiteflies, and certain species of psyllids and scales.

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Countries Available

Isoclast is registered in over 89 countries and has been used on millions of hectares globally.

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Isoclast is the only active ingredient identified as an IRAC Class 4C sulfoximine mode of action. It controls sap-feeding pests, and was discovered by and is proprietary to Corteva Agriscience.

Protect a Broad Group of Crops From Insect Pests


Isoclast active protects a broad range of crops, including cotton, leafy and fruiting vegetables, pome and stone fruits, soybeans, rice, cereals, citrus, cole crops, grapes and other crops.

Guard Against a Wide Range of Difficult and Costly Insects


Isoclast controls a large number of economically destructive and difficult-to-control sap-feeding insect pests, including most species of aphids, jassids, leafhoppers, mealybugs, plant bugs, planthoppers, stink bugs, whiteflies, and certain species of psyllids and scales. Isoclast controls insect pests both on contact and through ingestion to provide fast-acting and long-lasting control.

Controls Insects That Have Developed Resistance To Other Insecticides


Because of unique properties and broad lack of cross-resistance, Isoclast is an important rotation partner with other insecticides and will enhance insect resistance management (IRM) strategies. Growers can use Isoclast instead of other insecticides such as neonicotiniods, nicotine, the butenolides or the mesoionics because it works effectively on pests that these insecticides fail to control or to which they have developed resistance.


How Is Isoclast™ Active Contributing to Sustainability?

Bees are vital to the pollination of over 130 crops worldwide. Isoclast breaks down rapidly, and the resulting metabolites have low toxicity.

When used according to label recommendations, Isoclast does not pose an unacceptable risk to bees.

See Our Impact

Crop Protection for the World’s Food Supply

By 2050, the world population will require 100 percent more food, 70 percent of which must come from technology that improves production efficiency. Even with crop protection, 20 to 40 percent of food is lost every year to pests. Products such as Isoclast active help control pests that waste natural resources, transmit plant diseases and threaten production.

Our Innovation

Is Isoclast™ Active a Neonicotinoid?

No, Isoclast™ active is not a neonicotinoid. Isoclast™ active belongs to a new class of chemistry, known as the sulfoximines, with significant structural differences, which drive its distinct mode of action and environmental properties.