Powering Innovation in Agriscience

Organic growing micro greens closeup

Innovation to help produce the food the world needs

Innovation helps us develop integrated solutions to meet farmers’ needs today, while anticipating tomorrow’s challenges. Through innovation, we provide products and services to help farmers produce what our food system demands, while conserving resources and sustaining the land. Our transparent approach reaches across the food chain, inviting consumers in, to empower them with knowledge and give them confidence about the food their families eat.

Extreme closeup of sunflower

Innovation has never been more important

Food is the most basic human need and the engine of economic development. Yet while our world is growing, our food resources are not. As a champion of responsible agriculture, this is our challenge. Our response to the challenge is innovation.

Gutterson headshot

Looking to the future of agriculture

"Farmers expect complete solutions for managing their farms and consumers want a plentiful andhealthy food supply. At Corteva Agriscience™, we collaborate with the world's brightest minds in the pursuit of transformational agricultural innovations to meet customer and consumer needs."

Neal Gutterson
Chief Technology Officer
Corteva Agriscience

Corteva Agriscience is founded on a rich tradition of innovation that draws upon the combined strengths of DuPont Crop Protection, Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer. We constantly challenge ourselves on how we can bring all our platforms together to offer farmers integrated solutions to their most pressing challenges. We believe in the power of collaboration, inviting in ideas from a wide variety of sources, and developing partnerships with universities and NGOs across the globe.

Understanding producers and consumers

We listen to farmers to understand their needs, applying our science to develop integrated offerings to meet those needs today, with a rich pipeline focused on the future. As a champion of responsible agriculture, we listen to consumers’ concerns, helping them understand the science & stewardship behind our products.

Providing integrated, end-to-end solutions

We focus on a fundamental reframing of how all parts of a solution work together and invite ideas from a wide variety of sources, both internal and external, through initiatives like Open Innovation and partnerships with non-governmental organizations and universities worldwide.

Looking to the future as a leader in global agriculture

We see great potential in areas such as the use of digital technologies, new seed product development tools like CRISPR-Cas gene editing and the next generation of crop protection products – including those that can be used in smaller quantities and can be used in organic agriculture.

Scientist examining plants in laboratory

"Innovation is a requirement, not a choice."

- Jim Collins

Chief Executive Officer of Corteva Agriscience™

Collaboration and thought leadership

Corteva believes that the global scientific community can do truly innovative work when we collaborate. Through our Open Innovation platform, thought leaders from around the world are working to stimulate the development of groundbreaking and sustainable agricultural solutions.

Open Innovation
Neil Hausman Headshot

Predictive agriculture

“The work we are doing in R&D is directly translatable to a farmer’s field. Digital Ag is already disrupting the Ag economy and we are discovering, testing and validating these technologies within our R&D operations as a way to prove their value and hone our predictive accuracy.”

-Neil Hausmann PhD, DuPont Pioneer