Radiant™ 60SC

  • Insecticide

Radiant™ 60SC, Insecticide - Best management tool for control rice leaf folder and rice stem borer, thrips and webber caterpillar on Mango.


Radiant™ 60SC is bio-insecticide highly effective on control rice leaf folder and rice stem borer, thrips and webber caterpillar on Mango.

Directions for use

Controlled Pests

Rice: Rice leaf folder

Mango: Thrips

Corn: Fall Army Worm (FAW)

Use Rate

Mango: 0.75 – 1.125  L/ha with water volume 1000 – 1125  L/ha 

Watermelon: 0.6– 0.75 L/ha with water volume 320 - 400 L/ha

Corn: 0.5 - 0.6 L/ha with water volume 320 – 400 L/ha


Application Timing

Rice : 2 applications with 7 days interval

Mango : 2 applications with 7 days interval

Watermelon: 2 applications with 7 days interval

Corn:  2 applications