
  • Insecticide

PixyTM 360SC is premix insecticide highly effective on control Lepidoteran on Pulses, Rice leaf folder on Rice, Diamondback moth on Cabbage and Beet army worm on Onion

Key Benefit

Best management tool for control Lepidoteran on Pulses


Pixy 360 SC has the following strong USP's

- Lepidopteran (Semi-looper/Spodoptera/Maruca) on Pulses using rate  0.375 – 0.4 L/ha with water volume 400 – 600 L/ha with application timing from 1st – 2nd instar, 2 – 3 larvae/plant and 2 applications with 7 days interval.

- Rice leaf folder on Rice using rate  0.34 – 0.4  L/ha with water volume 320 – 400  L/ha with 1 application timing from 1% leaf damage and 2 applications with 7 - 10 days interval.

- Diamondback moth and Beet army worm on vegetable using rate  0.4 - 0.5   L/ha with water volume 320 – 400   L/ha with 1 application when having 1-2 larvae/plant and 2 applications with 7 - 10 days interval.