Acanto® 250SC 

  • Fungicide

Acanto 250 SC, Fungicide - Best management tool for disease control and maintenance of green leaf area which results in significant yield benefits.


Acanto® 250SC is fungicide that provide good crop safety, disease control and maintenance of green leaf area which results in significant yield benefits . Best used as a protectant treatment or in the earliest stages of disease development on Mango and rice

Directions for use

Controlled Diseases

Rice: Blast

Mango: Anthracnose

Use Rate

Rice: 400-600  ml/ha with water volume 320-400  L/ha

Mango: 750-900  ml/ha with water volume 1000-1200  L/ha

Application Timing

Rice: First application at 30-35 days after seed sowing  and second application at 40-45 days after seed sowing