Field Services

Large Demo Plot (LPD)

 Large Demo Plot (LPD)

What is LPD?

Select the right farmers then organize with the farming size less then 2,000 m2 to show the farmers about our good product performance by comparation to other products before officially launching, often evaluated by Corveva team and farmers, testing process and data record follow by products protocol guideline.  



What is Demo?

Farming should be bigger or smaller than 2,000 m2 size depend on crops and potential areas, purpose to show farmers about Corteva is good product performance include our technical. We select and offer them our product sample and guidance how to appropriately apply. Then Demo boards are placed on the field during the farmer planting their crop.

Farmers Visit

Farmers Visit

What is Farmers Visit?

Farmer visit is the activity to greet and meet the farmers in person at the field or farmer house.  The visit is conducted in more friendly conditions, just asking what their issue or problem, and what information or solution we could address them at their field.

Farmers Meeting

Farmers Meeting

What is Farmers Meeting?

Farmers Meeting is conducted after we have Demo and Spot Demo, or their instant spraying with our sample offer. It means that we will confidently invite farmers to see by themselves the performance of our product under the real fields.

Field Day

 Field Day

What is Field Day?

Field day is conducted after we have a good demo in new potentials area or pre season in exiting areas. It means that we will confidently invite many farmers to see by themselves the performance of our product under the real fields or our loyalty farmers share good experiences.

Seminar Event

Seminar Event

What is Seminar?

After LPD, Demo successful or pre season on existing market, It is officially including technical presenting our products knowledge, information and market positioning, as well as keeping the farmer engagement from different locations.  This is a big event, usually we will invite 80-200 farmers.